
Mobile Yahoo mail custom "From" addresses

Previously, I posted a workaround for using Gmail's custom "From" feature in nonstandard views. Here I discuss setting up and using Yahoo Mail's custom "From" feature.

I don't use Ymail as my primary, so I needed to research the steps some. Turns out, Ymail directly supports what I worked around in Gmail.

Ymail has good instructions on how to set up custom "From" addresses. You don't even need an external SMTP server and can skip "Step 3 Setup Mail Server". In the few test mails I sent, Yahoo does not add a Sender header like Gmail does. Of course, you're welcome to use an external SMTP server. Configure it per instructions.

Yahoo Mail also has instructions on how to use your custom "From" address.

Where Yahoo Mail excels above Gmail is in the mobile view. After setting up custom addresses, I browsed to Ymail on my phone and composed a message. Mobile Ymail offers a dropdown where I can select the originating address. Much easier and no workaround needed. Ymail directly supports alternate originations.

1 comment:

  1. I am unable to test this on platforms other than my Android phone as I don't have access to other phones. If you try this on a Blackberry, iphone, Maemo, PalmOS, Symbian (is this still around?), webOS, other mail clients, please comment on your experience. Did it work, did you need to change the procedure some, share please and help all our readers. Thanks!
